Tagungshotels Norton Saint Philip

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The Hotel Collection Combe Grove Manor Hotel

Brassknocker Hill, Monkton Combe,
BA2 7HS Bath, Vereinigtes Königreich
Kategorie: Tagungshotels Norton Saint Philip, 5 Sterne Tagungshotel, 42 Zimmer, 5 Tagungsraum/Tagungsräume, Entfernung: 6,9 km zu Norton Saint Philip Zentrum
The Relax and unwind in this prestigious woodland estate. Combe Grove Manor Hotel**** nestles in 69 acres with 25 miles of views overlooking the breathtaking Limpley Stoke Valley. Just a couple of miles outside the historic spa city of Bath, immerse yourself in extensive facilities complimented by a range of both modern and traditional accommodation combined with award winning food, great service...

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